Thursday, July 22, 2010

Slow News Week: What The Buck Snatches Beyonce's Wig (Throwback)

So, I was sitting in front of my computer wearing my favorite 10-gallon wig, wearing the sluttiest leotard on the market and diving head-first into a giant box of Popeye's, when I stumbled across this video of the popular internet show What The Buck titled "Beyonce Threatens To Kill Jennifer Hudson for WINNING OSCAR!" So you know I couldn't pass this one up... Somebody pass the Popcorn and Raisinettes, chile!

And, of course... If anyone ever says anything bad about Beyonce, they have to do a follow up video apologizing to the United Nations of the World... unfortunately for the fart stains who love Bey, Buck ain't the one, honeychile!


  1. yeah gir, it is slow indeed
    bitch hasnt been almost hit by a car in a week!

  2. Good Gawd ! The comments this guy recieved after that video makes me SMH in emberassment for the human race ....are these ppl writing in on crack? and those poses beyonce was doing on the red carpet CHILE! she look like she holding in some bad popeyes chicken GAS! ...He read right into it and said she was doing it for attention and couldnt let JHud have the spotlight....sad bitch !
    She will never live the moment JHUD won the Oscra down....especially once she realizes she will NEVER WIN ONE !

