Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Desperately Seeking Attention

Today was the medium-sized day for B.B. Home-Schooler and her new video for one of her most passionate humanitarian causes: she asks the pressing global question.. Why Don't You Love Beyonce?

From the Sally Fields school of desperation, for this video, she busted opened that dusty crate she had stored in her attic and brought out some of her old movies she shot back in the 40's. I'm pretty sure Tina was the cameraman.

The chain-smokin', mascara-running', ego-strokin', grammy-dustin', swagger-jackin' clip has all the sizzle of a lit cigarette tossed in the toilet, so it is sure to be a hit with the members of her fancultclub.

I personally would rather watch a cigarette butt floating in the toilet, but hey, to each his own!


  1. Its painful to watch , truly is.
    This trick is so desperate for attention she grabbing her titties so hard she gonna bruise them !
    SMH !I dont want to see you trick!

  2. this is just a plain ole fool! she has become a cartoon character of herself, and a shady one at that. its really amazing to watch. she should slow down before she has a break-down. or maybe she won't have a breakdown because or maybe she doesn't really have a core inner-being anymore and is divorced from reality, so she doesn't really care.

  3. HaHaHa...he dosen't love you cause he's gay! He don't need you cause he's gay!Gay-Z got 99 problems but a b ain't 1....I bet a nigga is...HAHA...got her own money and he still don't want her...do freaky stuff in bed and he still don't love her...dustin off grammys and still sitin home alone cause you married a gay dude...too funny!

  4. ^^^ LOL This dumb bitch really bit off the wrong piece of the pie with this video!
    She been serving up 3 days old sour gumbo for years now it caught up to her and she inadvertantly let everyone in on what REALLY goen on at home with Gay-Z! lol AT THIS dumb biatch!

    We don't neeed to see your mariotal drama aired out, keep it at home !

    ANd Solange wrote it.She is so insightful and pulled a good one over her heffa sister.

  5. Sometimes I can't even laugh anymore at this woman cause it's so darn sad. Ratthew always open his mouth to defend his daughter but he won't open his mouth to save her from herself. Haven't this woman been 30 like five years ago? I remember her saying that she would retire at 30. Woman you need to sit down before you have a breakdown.

  6. I took a stab at this ish one more time...

    She said it best herslef! at the very end..the word "DUMB" resonates after all the hollering if gone....

    Ill be watching is and going "Really? she doing this?"
    the vocals are terrible on her too....
    SMH! Im in shock!
