Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kelly PWNS Mathew

Chile... So I was right in the middle of stabbing a Single Ladies Onsie with that voodoo pin Tina let me borrow, when I stumbled across this recent interview of Kelly Rowland by Perez Hilton.

Girl, so cut to Perez asking why Mathew felt the need (to stop doing bumps of powder with Lindsay Lohan long enough) to release a statement on a Destiny's Child reunion. This is where Miss Kelly SERVED Mathew the tea in her own little Kelly way, and I LIVE!

(wait.. so does this mean... there's still a....? oh crap!)


  1. I don't give a RATZ AZZZZZZZ about this sopposed tour! I will NEVER again make the mistake of spending more than a $1 to see these three heffas! Yes Kelly included!
    Like someone at RhymeswithSnitch said.... they will be on tour in 20 -30 years whe they BROKE working the state fair!

  2. i know thats right girl!! you know thats what she's gonna do after beyonce starts singing at bar mitzvahs and shit

