Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snatchback Video: Beyonce Interviews Aaliyah

So I was strolling through the youtubes, honey and ran across a old snatchback clip of these two women; One was a stunningly gorgeous, multi-talented superstar Recording Artist and movie star, and the other was Beyonce.

In this interview Joan Riv... uh, I mean Kathy Griff...uh.. I mean... (well, bitch was a nobody, so who cares!) asks real celebrities probing questions.

Anyweave, if you squint your eyes you can see Beyonce's soul lusting after what Aaliyah had going on. I can smell the envy wafting through the air. Smells just like, guilt and shame and car fumes and ass lube and cat piss with a splash of vanilla. In other words, it smells just like HEAT!

Yes, bitch is classy!


  1. ^^^ LOL GIRL that description of HEAT is DEAD!!!! Im rolling!
    ok I dont know where you find this but girrr thats some freaky shit!
    to me it look like she had aaliyah kiled! Aaliyah ( may her beautifull multi talented angelic soul rest in peace) had it ALL GOING ON! this bitch was determined to take her place when you compare the two its like night and day ! one is class the other .... ASS!

  2. LOL, the shade in this Post is Hilarious, How can you be so Mean to the QUEEN BEYSUS...

  3. when Beysus walks the earth do crumble...she do a concert in Trinidad and Haiti gets hit...SMH

  4. shade? lil ole me? never, girl! *tee-hee-hee*

  5. My god who in the hell allowed Beyonce to interview anyone! She can even speak straight. I know Aaliyah must of been thinking lord this girl needs to go to school and get speech lessons! RIP babygril you are truely miss! You can see Aaliyah look 10x prettier then her! I bet you if Aaliyah was here Beyonce would not be where she is at. It is a fact!

  6. aaliyah looks lovely but beyonce girl that outfit is a CHOP and that plastic weave is a FOOL!!

  7. im sorry did anyone else catch this country bumpkin what the heaven is "were u a nervous?" this scutweed was and never will be on aaliyahs level! lilis my girl and some of this is biased but its also the truth aaliyah was doing and had done everything beyonce attempts to do. liyah just did it hella better! aaliyah i the hottest chick n to me even in death and i do believe hat beyonce saw aaliyah as a threat and noone wiill convince me that beyonce had a hand in babygirls death. how is it that aaliyah beimg the triple threat that she is dies out of no where and for semingly no reason beyonce steps right in and with jay z at the helm! that punk beeyaaatch was apart of it too which explains why dame still cant pick himself back up!dame wasnt so much the musical threat so i guess thats why his life was spared but aaliyah had the game on lock n her star was getting righter n brighter and here cum beyonce ol manufactured plastic surgery enhanced stanky ass funkying up the music industry and its been on life support ever since! to me it fits the puzzle! EVERYTHING AALIYAH WAS/IS BEYONCE WISHES BUT WILL NEVER CCOMPLISH TO BE! God dont like ugly and beyucki is past due for her punishment*xoxoxo*

  8. excuse me i meant convince me beyonce DIDNT have a part n liyah death*s.o.s xoxoxo
