So, I was on VH1.com, where I was sent to this link regarding one of Beyonce's '4' producer's Jeff Bhasker attacking Kelly Rowland's #1 URBAN SMASH HIT "Motivation" on Twitter.
Somebody hold my earrings and hand me the vaseline, because here's the Lipton, chile...

I know, girl. Pick your jaw up off the floor because I'm not done yet. THEN the lady had the NERVE to try to read Kelly some more with THIS tweet.

Um excuse me while I let out a severe
Pardon me, sugar, but just because EACH and EVERY one of Beyonce's singles FLOPPED and FAILED to impact a damn thing and continues to super-slide down every chart known to Lord Jesus, don't blame it on Kelly, girl.
So yea, luckily for Miss Jeff, I just baked up a delicious batch of GET A LIFE. Want one?
Oh, and another thing, sweet lil' teething baby Jesus, please protect me from the chile's default twitter pic because father God it needs to be dunked in holy water a few good times STAT because that thing is every bit of a CHOP, a FOOL and a NO MA'AM!
(P.S. Chile, did you peep all the Beyonce stans retweeting it? Yes honey, get into it!)