Chile, so the numbers are in, and it looks like Beyonce's smash shit single has BELLYFLOPPED onto charts everywhere. Here are the numbers. FEAST!
Billboard: #33 (HAAA)
Digital DLs: #23 (HAAA HAAA)
Girl, these are the SOLANGE numbers, hunni! Hell, I farted in an empty toilet paper tube last week and charted higher than THAT!
And speaking of farting into microphones, both Britney and Gaga STORMED the charts with their singles, and this is why her psychotic stans were terrorizing everybody's message boards? For THIS!?
Bitch should have just went somewhere and popped out a few mutant babies, deep conditioned and hot-oil treated those roots of hers, ask Juelz to FINALLY teach her how to talk in complete sentences, conjugate a verb, stop eating paste and color inside the lines with jumbo crayons, chile.