Friday, February 5, 2010

The Cougar Files: Tina Knowles

MAC makeup supermodel extraordinaire and official Las Vegas hooker uniform designer Tina Knowles was seen bumping her corroded vagina on the dancefloor with some young stud who can give two wet farts about her. Word on Craigslist is, while attending her daughters Fuck Me Like A Dog In Heat Perfume launch party, she lured in an unsuspecting kid off of the street by rattling a box of Mike-n-Ikes in his direction. Then she pounced on her prey and hit him with her trusty pick up line... "After I'm done devouring your ding-ding, my lipstick won't smudge or budge... because you're worth it!" You gotta give it to her.. bitch is cougarific.


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