Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Beyonce Workin On New Album

The Dream farted in a recent interview with Singers Room about him working on a new Beyonce album.

I’m working on a reality show, I’m working with this girl name Kasha who’s here today. We’ll probably get her album done within the week. Ciara’s already started on her project. You know, Rihanna, Beyonce, the same beautiful people every year. It’s a cycle. We’ve gotta get that money.

Shhh.. if you listen closely, you can here the sound of 700 millions eyes rolling across the globe.

Here is Salma Hayek's reaction to the news;


  1. I knew she would pull this shit...i know this bitch too damn well!!!
    you know what I say BRING iT! this WILL be the last nail on the coffin...after that stunt you and Gay and Ri-goat pulled at the BET you will be a has been in no time!

  2. "We've got to get that money"

    ---signed, Beyonce Knowle$-Carter, the ICON, the LEGEND, by way of 'The Dream'
