Tuesday, June 29, 2010

'Video Phone' Won WHAT???

Chile, so in BET's last ditch effort to solidify themselves as being ass-backwards, out of touch and irrelavent, they gave the VIDEO OF THE YEAR to BEYONCE'S ABYSMAL VIDEO PHONE VIDEO!!! I guess sunday was opposite day, cuz even her most die-hard fans called that video hot fried garbage!

I mean these bitches don't even pretend to be impartial anymore if that green screen nightmare abomination of a disaster was nominated much less won. BET, your days are numbered!


  1. NOw I know I aint never been a damn stan cuz I aint seen that damn stan video phone dance video on you tube that this bitch is talking about...
    Beyonce got a body for days? No boo, more like she got a body for months...like if there was no food it could eat itself for months...and survive!
    Anyhoe...this dude right here is funny as hell! He usually hanging on her ass cheeks but someone knocked ( or pounded) some sense into him! Its about time...he about to wake up...

  2. I like this dude too, I've subscribed to his vids. It sometimes makes you wonder does he have a life outside youtube cause he blogs so much.

  3. Yeah I heard he broke up with somoene went on you tube and never came back...

  4. "Skeezer looking ass bitch " LMAO !
