Sunday, January 31, 2010

If I Were A Bore...

Chiiile, PLEEEASE!! Incase you were fortunate enough to miss Beyonce's Grammy 2010 performance, I'm here to torture your senses by posting it here.

She rolled, she thrashed, she popped, she swung the Yak Pack Burnt Honey #13, she dam near ate it trippin down the stairs (yea bitch, i seenT ya!), sang someone else song (well, twice actually) and all to a SLOW song!! And she has 10 nominations, so what's up with the Alanis Morrisette song rammed and jammed all thru the middle? Eh.. awwwwkward!

WARNING: Please consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion or diarrhea.

Lord Father God. This is a fool!

Congrats, Bey on your 6 Grammy wins... *blank stare*


  1. Sorry, can't/won't watch that mess, I'll just take your word for it.
    ^^^^ yes dear, we don't like Beyonce. Did you figure that out all by yourself? well done!!

  2. If Haterz= people who think for themselves. Where do I sign up?

  3. This oerformance was a JOKE , she went on stage to do that boring ass if I were a boy song and then decided to jazz it up with some hair tossing and stage crawling....DEAD WRONG BITCH !!! your performance was still BORING and DID NOT MAKE SENSE/ FIT IN !!! why you singing someone elses songs again??? you need to become an impersonator chile! PINK BlEW YOUR ASS OUT!!!! GO PINK!*****
