Sunday, January 10, 2010

Speaking of CatastroBey...

It looks as tho Miss Bey can't catch a break. Word on the street is Trinidad and Tobago is considering canceling Beyonce's performance because the Queen of Pop-Cooch-For-A-Dollar's performance will end up costing the country 30 million dollars, and it would interfere with the carnival festival. Chile, they could still have a carninval; Bey could spit ping-pong balls out of her vagina, and Jay-Z could be the bearded lady.


  1. LOL yes it looks like her expiration date is just about up and not a moment too soon!

  2. LOL the light bulb in yo spotlight burned out bitch and the flicker is annoying...trick needs to disappear !

  3. ^^ LMAO you aint never lied!
