Someone from Brooklyn Zoo should be fired because they let this wild animal loose on the street the other day; thats when a kid trying to raise money for basketball camp heard hooves in the distance. When he asked Jay-z to buy some candy, Jay-Z replied "I don't eat chocolate." Thats when I would have tried to sell him a feedbag of wild oats and hay. He doesn't wear high-heel shoes, lacefronts, buttpads and tampons
in public either, but I'm sure he's bought some for his
publicity stunt wife.
Now ain't that some evil Camel shit. Chile ain't nobody tell you to eat it, just BUY IT! It would have been for a good cause, cause he's clearly out there hustling trying to make it, but Queen Camel is so far removed from days of struggle that he couldn't even buy a few packs of M&M's. What an ASS!
But if he knows karma like I know karma, he'll find out she's a solid milk-chocolate BITCH! After his blood money runs out he will be back to rapping on the Brooklyn subway and selling ass in the piss-flavored corridors of Marcy projects for a half-eaten Snikers' bar .