Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Honey Bey Take Notes!

Bitch could learn a thing or two from Standing Cat by standing up for 30 seconds without dippin it low and thrusting her venus fly-snatch all over the damn place. No Ma'am! Now this is a REAL talented pussy!


  1. BYEonce is a joke told by Matty CainApril 9, 2010 at 6:48 PM

    This is about the only pussy I would like to see that's not mine. BYEonce really does need to learn something from this cat. I wonder does this cat has as many handlers as this robotic woman. Hey don't let Matty magical wallet make you disappear. That wallet is in full force right about now.

  2. LMAO!! watch beyawnce swaggajack this!
