Chile, so you want a good gag for the day? Never fear, your girl has you covered. Run on over to google.com and type in "Beyonce is a" in the search box and see which options appear in the dropdown list. Have fun! :)
‘My makeup artist showed me the performance of Lorella Cuccarini a year ago, and it inspired meto stealso much’, she went onto reveal ‘I then met with the talented people who worked on it. The technology and concept were so genius. Thank God for YouTube or I would have never been exposedas a theiftostealsomething so inspiring. I never worked so hard onstealinganything in my life as that performance for the Billboard Awards’.
In case you missed it, here's Beyonce's video for Run the World (Girls), which is like the apocalypse as seen through the eyes of a House of Dereon seamstress who gets whipped in the eyes with a weave track every time she makes the slightest wince at Tina Knowles' jacked up designs. To me, the song still sounds like an elephant stomping on a kazoo in the middle of a fart contest and the video isn't helping. It's like every post-apocalyptic movie, blended with Cirque du Soleil's KÀ and wrapped in a thick blanket of Vogue magazine's worst photo shoots. The giant hyenas (which were later skinned for wigs)? Sand fucking a giant zen garden (at the 3:26 mark)? The fuck?
Well, at least when The Rapture comes on Saturday, I can look Beyonce in the eyes just as she's about to enslave me and honestly tell her that her Mighty Morphin Power Rangers gown (at the 2:49 mark) is hot. But that's about it.
Bey's official fansite released a statement confirming that her video will debut on the famed talent show on May 18th. Her cousin, Angie Beyince also tweeted in support saying “Tune in Wednesday May 18th to see Beyonce on American Idol.”